
SuperLockOmens - The Trickster (SGAU)

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Sophia frowned at the owl that was sitting in her seat, having already realised it was Aziraphale and wondering why the angel hadn't changed back yet.

'Sophia!' Sophia cringed as the voice echoed around her mind.

'Azira watch your mental voice! Why are you sitting in my chair as an owl?' Sophia mentally snapped in reply. The owl in Sophia's seat squawked at that, causing Sophia to smirk.

'Gabriel turned up in my shop, trapping me like this and Crowley in his snake form. I'd like you to get rid of the trickster for me as I'm not in a fit state to do so myself' the angel explained. Sophia sighed but held her arm out, so Aziraphale perched on it.

"Hey Soph, is that Aziraphale?" John questioned as he spotted Sophia leaving with the owl on her arm. Sophia turned briefly so John could see her nod before walking out the door, pulling it closed behind her.

<><><> timeskip 20 minutes<><><>

As Sophia got closer to the book shop, the music got louder. Anyone could hear it from around the corner, so being a werewolf, it was so loud to Sophia it was starting to give her a headache.

'This is what Gabriel does' the comment was accompanied by a mental sigh and the owl appearing to roll it's eyes.

"I'll get rid of him Azira, don't worry. You go find Crowley while I go deal with Gabriel" Sophia ordered. The owl nodded and took off, flying through the open window of the bookshop. Sophia watched with a smirk as it did a double take and used the handle to pull the window closed behind it.

"Good old angel, nothing seems to stop him protecting his precious books" Sophia muttered to herself before pushing open the door to the bookshop.

The music became deafening as soon as she did, so her first move was to shut off the portable radio that was sat on the front table.

"Hey! I was listening to that!" a voice shouted from the back room. Sophia followed it to find the man she was looking for, she could even see his wings stretched out behind him as he searched the shelves.

"So you must be Gabriel" the trickster turned to face Sophia, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"And if I am?"

"You are. Not many angels have wings like that or archangel blades hidden in their jacket, that and the fact you seem to be searching for something but aren't making a mess. That means you know Aziraphale and how annoyed he gets when you make a mess and you don't want to be on the wrong side of him because it will land you on the bad side of Crowley in the process" Sophia summarised, smirking at Gabriel's stunned expression.

"Oh, so you're one of the Baker Street lot then" he stated when he regained his ability to speak, much slower than he wanted to.

"Of course, who else could have learned all of that after seeing you for two seconds?" Sophia pointed out. Gabriel nodded to concede the point and began to approach Sophia, mischievous glint in his eye.

"If you're one of the Baker Street lot then you'll know the angel that lives here, so you'll know where to find what I'm looking for" Gabriel started, to which Sophia shrugged.

"Of the occupants of Baker Street, I know Aziraphale and Crowley best, so I have a good chance of finding you what you want. However, it would just be easier to ask the angel himself to show you what you're looking for"

"I tried that already, the featherhead tried to claw my eyes out!" Gabriel exclaimed dramatically. Sophia chuckled and wandered away from Gabriel, making her way through the shelves of the bookstore. About halfway through the shelves she found the snowy owl attempting to pull a black snake out of the bookshelf.

"Ah, so that's where you two got to" Sophia muttered. The owl stopped and flew over to Sophia, perching on her shoulder.

"Have you got yourself stuck Crowley?" the hiss Sophia could hear from inside the bookshelf somewhere was answer enough for Sophia.

"Hold on then, I'll try and make enough space for you to get out" Sophia stated, sighing as she began to take books off the shelf and pile them neatly on the floor.

Sophia had two piles of books on the floor before Crowley managed to get himself out of the gap he'd been stuck in. The snake wasted no time in wrapping himself around Sophia's outstretched arm and resting his head on her shoulder, so Sophia returned to Gabriel, having to promise to put the books back for Aziraphale once the archangel was gone.

Gabriel had moved further into the back room by the time Sophia returned to him with Crowley wrapped around her left arm and Aziraphale sitting on her right shoulder, a sight which surprised Gabriel.

"You really do know them well, I tried to do that and ended up clawed and bitten" he murmured, to which Sophia nodded.

"Azira has agreed to show you what you're looking for if you promise to turn them back"

"You got all of that from a blink? I'm impressed" Gabriel said as he watched Aziraphale fly around the room. Sophia smirked as Aziraphale landed on a shelf, grabbing an old scroll and dropping it into Gabriel's outstretched hand before landing on the floor by the archangel's feet. Gabriel unrolled the scroll slightly, nodding when he saw that it was what he wanted, then looked to the owl on the floor.

"Thanks featherbrain. You and your demon will turn back in two days" Gabriel stated before vanishing. Aziraphale squawked and clawed at the air where Gabriel had just been standing; Sophia could have sworn Crowley sighed at the sight and began to smirk.

"Calm down Azira, you can stay in 221C until you turn back. On the condition there's no funny business between you and Crowley in that time" Sophia added the latter part on when she saw Crowley's grin.

Sophia turned her head away from Crowley's very creepy, and extremely worrying, grin in time for Aziraphale to land on her shoulder as he had been before. Sophia nodded and headed for the door of the shop, flipping the sign to closed and locking the door behind her before heading back to her flat.

'You left the books on the floor' Aziraphale reminded her two feet away from the front door of the shop.

'You pick your moments' Sophia mentally grumbled as she reopened the door. She was locking the door again five minutes later, turning t her previous path.

<><><>timeskip again<><>>

Sophia fumbled with the keys when she finally arrived at Baker Street, having to get the owl off her shoulder to actually put them in the door, only for it to be opened from the inside.

"You took long enough" Mycroft stated, pulling Sophia's keys out of the door for her as she passed him.

"Oh great, you're returning to stalking me" Sophia muttered as she snatched her keys back and headed up to 221B, Aziraphale once again perched on her right shoulder.

"No, Sherlock called the moment you left earlier to ask me to keep tabs on you and your recently acquired pet" Mycroft explained as he followed her up the stairs. Sophia rolled her eyes and Crowley hissed at the elder Holmes for added effect.

"Well they're only pets for the next two days, they'll change back to their normal forms after Gabriel's trick wears off" Sophia retorted, patting the snake on the head as she pushed the door open.

"Gabriel as in archangel Gabriel?" John asked. He placed the mug of tea on the coffee table instead of handing it to Sophia when he caught sight of the owl and the snake.

"That would be a yes, he wanted something from Azira's shop and he decided to cause some trouble while he was there. The two of them are stuck like this for a few days, so I brought them here to keep an eye on them" Sophia summarised for everyone in the room, dropping onto the sofa. Aziraphale fluffed his wings out at the sudden movement and Sophia rolled her eyes.

"If my shoulder isn't a comfy enough perch then you can fly off and find another one. Either that or get used to it, because you'll be here for the next two days" Sophia ordered, to which the owl squawked.

"This is going to be a long two days" Eve muttered into her tea. Sherlock and Mycroft nodded.
In which Gabriel from Supernatural turns up and causes trouble at the bookshop, leaving Sophia to try and sort it because she knows the angel best. 

I own Sophia and the plot. Everyone else belongs to a lot of other people, not me.

Previous: Sherlock Girl AU - Wolves
Next: SGAU - Ineffable?
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fargreencountry's avatar
Ehehe. Yep. Gabriel would do that.